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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
Gadget's Editor V2.20 Copyright (C) 1992 Stefano Crimì
A Very Strong Gadget's Editor.
Date of issue: 09 Oct 92
Legal Stuff
This program is SHAREWARE: that means if you use it and you
find it useful, you are morally obliged to register yourself
for the program sending £20.000 or $20 to the author. Remember
that only registering yourself for the program you give the
author the opportunity to go on developing further programs for
This program can be distribuited freely in the BBS and in
the disks containing PD and SHAREWARE programs on condition
that the user pays only for the cost of the disk. In any other
case the WRITTEN authorization of the author is necessary.
This program must not be absolutely modified without the
WRITTEN authorization of the author. Only compacting with
programs such as Lharc, PKAzip, etc. is allowed.
This program is distribuited 'as is'. The author does not
shoulder any responsability as to any damage the program could
provoke: who uses the program, does it at his own risk.
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
When you design some Gadgets, you often find some problems:
wrong position and dimension and wrong characteristics are the
most frequent ones. This is the reason why I have decided to
write a program which would allow to design and modify Gadgets
of any type (Booleans, Strings and Proportionals) with extreme
facility. The result has been this very good program which is
certainly not perfect, but it is sure it responds to the needs
of nearly all users. It is obvious that the program allows to
save the Gadgets that have been created in C, Assembler or in
the internal format of the program (to be able to load it
afterwards). I have chosen C and Assembler because they are
certainly the two most diffused languages in the Amiga world.
Of course, if you are interested in saving the code in a
different language, you can inform me.
To write this program has not been easy at all, especially
because I had to consider all the possible choices of the user;
after a long work (several months) I have succeeded in
obtaining a version without bugs which can perfectly be used by
The program can be launched both from CLI and from
Workbench; if you launch it from CLI, the program will use the
function CreateProcess of the DOS.library to detach the process
CLI where it has been launched from.
The program, once it has been launched, opens a custom
screen of 640*256 pixels with 2 BitPlanes (4 colors). I have
chosen this solution in order not to crowd too much the
WorkBench screen and not to have problems with the fonts
different from Topaz 8. At the beginning on the screen there
appears only the banner of presentation, but all choices can be
effected through the menus (see paragraph: THE MENUS).
As soon as the program has been launched, it will try to
load the GadEdit.cfg File in the current directory, or, if it
does not find it, in the logical device S:; if the File does
not exist in any of the two directories, the program will use
the default settings, while, if there is one, the program will
use the settings contained in it.
In order to work the program needs the presence of four
shared libraries: DOS.library, Graphics.library,
Intuition.library and ReqTools.library; the first three ones
are in ROM, and so there are not any problems for the loading,
while the ReqTools is an external library which has to be put
into LIBS:. The ReqTools.library is Copyright (C) Nico François
and is included in the package of the Gadget's Editor.
Besides the program tries to open the Locale.library; this
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
is a new library of S.O. 38.xx and it serves for locating the
programs and for rendering them multilanguage; if the program
finds the Locale.library, it will use the language the user
prefers (obiously only if it is available). To make the various
languages available to the program, it is necessary to copy the
File gadedit.catalog concerning the language desired in the
directory Locale:Catalogs/xxxxxx where xxxxxx represents the
name of the language desired (Italiano, Deutsch, etc.). Of
course, if the program does not succeed in opening the
Locale.library, it will use the English language.
In the original package there are all the Files that are
necessary to create the gadedit.catalog concerning every
language. Who creates the gadedit.catalog concerning a language
different from the ones present in the original package, is
kindly requested to send it to me to allow me to include it in
the future versions of the program.
The program uses three menus: Gadget, Code and General; as
it is possible to understand from the name, the first menu
contains elements that regard the Gadgets, the second one
elements that regard the Code, and the third one various
elements that are not included in the two preceding categories.
Let's now examine the three menus in details.
The first menu, Gadget, contains three items: Add, Delete
and Edit. The first one allows to create a new Gadget, the
second one allows to cancel one Gadget, and the third one
allows to modify a Gadget that has been created before. It is
obvious that the two latter ones work only if there is at least
one Gadget present. All the three items of this menu have some
short-cuts: Add is recalled by Amiga-A, Delete by Amiga-D and
Edit by Amiga-E.
Let's now see how the three functions of this menu work:
Add serves to create new Gadgets; in another paragraph
(CREATING A NEW GADGET) we will see how it works; here instead
we will see how the other two functions (Delete and Edit)
The first one serves to cancel, and it works in a very
simple way: after having chosen it through the menu, the title
of the window changes requesting to select the Gadget to be
cancelled, and after the user has selected it, the program will
cancel it and thus set free all the memory allocated by the
Gadget itself. You can of course also get out of the selection
using the key ESC, since the user could have selected the
function Delete erroneously.
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
Also the function Edit behaves like the function Delete at
the beginning: but after having selected the Gadget, it will
not cancel it but open a Requester that allows to modify it (it
is the same Requester opened by the function Add). Also here it
is of course possible to use ESC if you do not want to modify
any Gadget.
In the second menu we have only two items: Load and Save.
They, too, can be recalled by short-cuts: Load by Amiga-L and
Save by Amiga-S. Their functionment is quite obvious: Load
permits to charge a File in the format of Gadget's Editor saved
previously, while Save permits to save the Gadgets in three
different formats: as source Assembler, as source C or as a
File in the format of Gadget's Editor.
If there are already some Gadgets visualized when you
select the function Load, the program will ask the user through
a Requester if he wants to delete the Gadgets already present:
if he selects Yes, the Gadgets will be deleted; if he selects
No, they will remain at their place. Besides, if there are some
Gadgets present which have not yet been saved, the program will
visualize a Requester asking the user if he wants to continue.
If he selects Yes, the program will continue; if he selects No,
it will abort the function Load.
The function Load opens the File-Requester of the
ReqTools.library; selecting Cancel or the closing Gadget, the
program will abort the function Load. Otherwise it will go on
loading the File specified. If the File specified does not
exist, the program will show a Requester to inform the user and
will abort the function Load. If the File specified is not a
File in the format of the Gadget's Editor, the program will
inform the user through a Requester and will abort the function
Load. If instead there are no errors, the program will load the
File and create the Gadgets following the indications contained
in the File.
As soon as it has been selected, the function Save opens a
Requester that allows the user to choose the type of File to be
generated. There are four choices possible: Assembler, Gadget's
Editor, C, Exit. If you select Assembler, a source will be
generated in Assembler; if you select Gadget's Editor, a File
in the format of the Gadget's Editor will be generated; if you
select C, a source will be generated in C, and selecting Exit,
the function Save will end. After you have chosen the type of
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
File to be generated, the program will open a File-Requester to
allow the user to insert the name of the File to be created. If
Cancel is selected or if the closing Gadget of the Requester is
pressed, you will immediately go out of the function Save. If
the selected File exists already, the program will open a
Requester asking the user if it has to overwrite the File
already present or not: if you select Yes, the File already
present will be cancelled and the function Save will continue;
if you select No, the function Save will end.
This menu contains five items: Information, Change Colors,
Load Config, Save Config and Quit; they, too, can be selected
through short-cuts (respectively Amiga-I, Amiga-P, Amiga-O,
Amiga-V and Amiga-Q).
Selecting Information, the program will open a Requester
which visualizes some data of the program and of the author.
With Change Colors the program will open the Palette-Requester
of the ReqTools.library allowing the user to modify the screen
colors. Load Config and Save Config serve instead to load a new
configuration and save the one presently used by the program
(presently the configuration File contains only the data
concerning the screen colors). Selecting Quit, finally, the
program will end. The same function of Quit is also executed by
the closing Gadget of the window and by the key ESC (all three
of them call the same routine). If the visualized Gadgets have
not been saved, the program will open a Requester asking if you
really want to quit: selecting Yes, you will quit the program,
while it will go on running if you select No.
To create a new Gadget you only need select the item Add of
the Gadget menu or use the corresponding short-cut (Amiga-A).
The title of the window will change to "Select the first
corner" immediately, followed by the present coordinates of the
pointer; clicking the left mouse button, you will thus select
the first corner. After having done this choice, the title will
change to "Select the second corner", followed by the
dimensions of the Gadget. If you move the pointer, the Border
of the Gadget will be drawn on the screen, and its dimensions
will be shown above. If you click the left mouse button, the
second corner will be selected and thus a big Requester will be
opened that occupies nearly all the screen: it is the Requester
Gadget Description which allows to set all the characteristics
of the Gadget (Position, Dimensions, Flags, Type, etc.). The
same Requester is also opened by the item Edit of the Gadget
menu to modify the characteristics of a Gadget already
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
The Requester is divided into five parts: the first one
which is in the top position, allows to set Position and
Dimensions, the second one allows to set the various Flags
(GADGHCOMP, GADGHBOX, etc.), the third one allows to set the
parameters of Activation (RELVERIFY, GADGIMMEDIATE, etc.), the
fourth one allows to select the Type of Gadget (BOOLGADGET,
PROPGADGET, etc.), while the last part contains some Gadgets
which allow to create the structures GadgetRender,
SelectRender, GadgetText and SpecialInfo of the Gadget, to
select the name of the Gadget and finally to accept or refuse
the settings (through the Gadgets Continue and Cancel). In the
following paragraphs we will analyze these five parts in a
detailed way.
The first part of the Requester contains four
String-Gadgets: Left, Top, Width and Height; of course they can
assume only numerical values. As you can understand from the
very names, these Gadgets contain respectively: the position
compared to the left Border, the position compared to the top
Border, the width and the height; all of them are expressed in
If you press Return while you are inserting the value into
a Gadget, the following Gadget will be activated automatically.
The second part of the Requester is dedicated entirely to
the Flags of the Gadget: in fact there are 10 Gadgets by means
of which the user can select the characteristics of the Gadget.
But let's go on in order: the first four Gadgets serve to
select the reaction of the Gadget to the clicking of the left
mouse button: with GADGHCOMP (default setting in the new
Gadgets) the selected Gadget will be complementary to the
Gadget not selected (complementary means that color 0 becomes
3, color 1 becomes 2 and vice versa); with GADGHBOX the
selected Gadget will be surrounded by a colored rectangle; with
GADGHIMAGE the selected Gadget will show the data contained in
gg_SelectRender (see later on), while with GADGHNONE the
selected Gadget will remain the same as the one not selected.
Obviously these four Gadgets are mutually exclusive among
themselves, so if you select one of them, the one which
previously was active, will be deselected (it is obvious that,
if you reselect the Gadget already active, absolutely nothing
will happen). The other six Gadgets serve instead to set the
characteristics, and they are all of the TOGGLE type (i.e. they
can be either selected or deselected); it is obvious that the
program will set only the selected characteristics if Continue
is clicked. The six Gadgets are in the order: GADGIMAGE,
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
indicates if the Gadget uses Image or Border structures; if it
is set, it will use the structures Image, if it is not set, it
will use the structures Border (these structures are later on
allocated through GadgetRender and SelectRender). GRELBOTTOM
and GRELRIGHT serve instead to use the coordinates concerning
the bottom (in spite of the top) and the right side (in spite
of the left side), while GRELWIDTH and GRELHEIGHT serve to use
width and height concerning the width and the height of the
element (Window or Requester) which contains the Gadget. It is
obvious that, if you use these Flags, you must set the fields
Width and Height of the Gadget with negative values. Finally we
have SELECT that serves to make appear the Gadgets that has
already been selected.
The third part of the Requester is dedicated to the eight
Gadgets that allow to set the characteristics of the Gadget;
The first two (RELVERIFY and GADGIMMEDIATE) serve to select
the type of message that Intuition must generate when the user
selects the Gadget. Setting the first Gadget, Intuition will
generate a GADGETUP message when the user deselects the Gadget,
while setting the second Gadget, Intuition will generate a
GADGETDONW message when the user selects the Gadget. Of course
it is possible to set both of them so that Intuition will
generate a GADGETDOWN message when the Gadget is selected, and
a GADGETUP message when it is deselected.
ENDGADGET serves only for the Requester-Gadgets and, if it
is set, it provokes the closing of the Requester to which the
Gadget belongs as soon as the latter is selected.
FOLLOWMOUSE serves only with the Proportional Gadgets and,
if set, it generates MOUSEMOVE messages which are useful when
the Proportional Gadget serves to make scroll a text, etc.
TOGGLESELECT serves not to make deselect automatically the
Gadget: normally, when you click the left mouse button on the
Gadget, this latter is selected, and when the button is
released, the Gadget is deselected; setting TOGGLESELECT
instead, the Gadget remains selected even if you release the
button. Of course, to deselect it, you only need click the left
mouse button once again on the Gadget.
The last three Gadgets serve only for the String Gadget:
setting LONGINT, the String Gadget will accept only numerical
values, while setting STRINGCENTER and STRINGRIGHT, the text
will be respectively centered and justified on the right. It is
obvious that these two Gadgets are mutually exclusive, so if
you select one of them, the other one will be deselected
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
The fourth part of the Requester is occupied by five
Gadgets that allow to select the type of Gadget to create; they
The first four Gadgets are mutually exclusive and permit to
select the type of Gadget: BOOLGADGET creates Boolean Gadgets
(that can assume two conditions: selected or deselected),
PROPGADGET creates Proportional Gadgets (which are especially
used when only a part of the data are visualized on the
screen), while STRGADGET creates String Gadgets (that allow the
inserting of any text). GADGET0002 instead cannot be selected
because the CBM has never clarified its meaning.
The last part of the Requester is occupied by seven
Gadgets, six Booleans and one String; the latter (accompanied
by the writing "Gadget's Name") serves to insert the name you
want to give to the Gadget (compulsary action), while the six
Gadgets Booleans are divided in their turn into two categories:
the four above serve to set the Borders, the texts, the Images
of the Gadget, and we are going to analyze them in a moment's
time, while the other two - the ones situated in the inferior
part of th Requester - serve to accept (Go) or refuse (Cancel)
the setting up just effected. Of course the Requester will be
closed as soon as you select one of these two Gadgets.
If you select this Gadget, the program will open a
Requester which allows the user to build the Borders or the
Images of the Gadget not selected (as to the selected Gadget,
you must use SelectRender). If GADGIMAGE is not set, the open
Requester will allow to create Borders; if instead it is set,
the open Requester will allow to create Images. But let's go on
in order examining the two Requesters (the one for the Borders
and the one for the Images).
GadgetRender: the Borders
If GADGIMAGE is not set, the program will open a Requester
to create the Borders of the Gadget; the open Requester has the
same dimension as the Gadget Description Requester, and it is
made up of five fixed Gadgets plus further two that are
visualized only if the Borders have not yet been created. The
five fixed Gadgets are divided into two lines: in the first
line we have Next, Previous, Add and Delete, while in the
second line we have Go. The first two Gadgets serve to make run
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
the list of the Borders on the screen (there may be different
Borders for one only Gadget), the third and fourth serve to
create a new Border structure and cancel the one presently
visualized, while the last one serves to accept the setting up
just effected.
If no Border structure has been already allocated, the
Requester will show the writing "There is not any Border
structure allocated!" and visualize other two Gadgets: Make 3D
Border and Make 3D String. These two Gadgets serve to make some
particular Borders: the first makes some pseudo-3D Borders (the
normal Borders of the Boolean Gadgets of the O.S. 2.0), while
the second makes some pseudo-3D Borders for String Gadgets (as
in the 2.0); of course, if you select one of these two Gadgets,
they will disappear while there will appear the first Border
structure just made.
If there are already some Border structures, the Requester
visualizes all the data concerning the one presently active:
above there are five Gadgets that indicate the coordinates of
the Border (Left and Top), the Color, the Draw Mode (JAM0,
JAM1, etc.) and the corner number that make up the Border; in
the central part there are instead the coordinates of the 18
corners that can make up the Border (rarely you will use more
than 18 corners).
GadgetRender: the Images
If GADGIMAGE is set, the program will open a Requester to
make the Gadget Images; the open Requester is much like the one
that makes the Borders (they have the same dimensions, and the
five inferior Gadgets - Next, Previous, Add, Delete and Go -
are the same; what changes is the part concerning the data to
be set).
As for the Border Description Requester, if there are not
any Image structures allocated, the Requester will show the
writing: "There is not any Image structure allocated!". If
instead there is at least one Image structure allocated, the
Requester will present the data of the one presently visualized
(to make the structures run, you must use the Gadgets Next and
The data indicated by the Requester concerning the Image
structure are seven: Left and Top (that indicate the position
compared to the left superior corner of the Gadget), Width and
Height (that indicate the dimensions of thew Image), Depth
(that indicates the BitPlane number), PlanePick (that indicates
which BitPlane the Image must go to: for example, with 3 the
Image will go to BitPlane 0 and 1) and PlaneOnOff (that serves
to clear or activate the BitPlanes not used). Besides two
Gadgets are activated (Load Bitmap and Load IFF) that open a
File-Requester, allowing the user to select the Image desired:
by Load Bitmap a Bitmap Image will be loaded (thus the fields
Width, Height and Depth must be set BEFORE selecting the
Gadget), while by Load IFF an IFF Image will be loaded (thus it
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
is not necessary to set any Field, in consideration of the fact
that the IFF File contains already all the data necessary to
visualize the Image).
If you select this Gadget, the program will open a
Requester which allows the user to build the Borders or Images
of the Gadget selected (for the one not selected it is
necessary to use GadgetRender). If GADGIMAGE is not set, the
open Requester will allow to make Borders, but if it is set,
the open Requester will allow to make Images. The open
Requesters are the same as the ones of GadgetRender, and thus
they are used in the same way.
If you select this Gadget, the program will open a
Requester that allows the user to build the IntuiText
structures of the Gadget (these structures serve to visualize
texts). If there is not any IntuiText structure allocated, the
Requester will show the writing "There is not any IntuiText
structure allocated!", while, if there is at least one, it will
visualize tha data of the structure presently active. As in the
Requester of the GadgetRender, also here we find the five
Gadgets Next, Previous, Add, Delete and Go having the same
function we saw in the paragraph concernig the GadgetRender.
The data concerning the IntuiText structure which are
visualized by the Requester are six: Left, Top, Front Pen, Back
Pen, Draw Mode and Text; the first two serve to set the
coordinates of the text (compared to the left superior corner
of the Gadget), the third and the fourth serve to set the color
of the text and the one of the background where the text will
go to; the fifth sets the Draw Mode method (JAM0, JAM1, etc.),
while the last one serves to insert the text to be visualized.
The SpecialInfo Gadget serves to set the SpecialInfo of the
Gadget that you are making or modifying; there are two types of
SpecialInfo: PropInfo and StringInfo. The first is the specific
SpecialInfo for the Proportional Gadgets, while the second is
the specific one for the String Gadgets (the other Gadget types
do not have dedicated special structures). That's the reason
why the SpecialInfo Gadget is recognized only if the Gadget is
of the String or Proportional type.
If the Gadget is of the STRGADGET type, the program will
open a Requester made up of three Gadgets: Num Chars, Undo
Buffer and Go. The first is a String Gadget of the LONGINT type
by which you set the maximum number of characters of the buffer
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
(including the final NULL, so if you insert 10, the buffer will
be made up of 9 characters + the final NULL); the second is a
Boolean Gadget of the TOGGLE type (selected or deselected) that
serves to create the Undo Buffer while the third Gadget serves
to accept the setting made.
If instead the Gadget is of the PROPGADGET type, the
program will open a Requester made up of nine Gadgets: the
of the TOGGLE type and serve to set the characteristics of the
Gadget: AUTOKNOB generates automatically the knob of the Gadget
(it is always advisable to set it), BORDERLESS serves not to
make the Borders of the Gadget, FREEHORIZ and FREEVERT are set
to allow respectively the horizontal and vertical scrolling of
the knob.
The second group is made up of four String Gadgets of the
LONGINT type: HorizPort, VertPot, HorizBody and VertBody. The
first two serve to set the position of the knob, while the last
two serve to set its largeness. The maximum value is 65523, so
to have a ten position Proportional Gadget it is necessary to
set the Body (horizontal or vertical) at 6553 (65535/10).
Finally there is the Gadget Go with which the settings just
effected are accepted.
If you want to register yourself to the program, you should
send $20 or £20.000 to the author. The easiest way is to send
them in an envelope together with a letter addressed to:
Stefano Crimì
Via Don Minzoni 28
The complete Gadget's Editor package (GADED220.LHA)
contains the following Files:
GadEdit/GadEdit 98232 bytes
GadEdit/GadEdit.info 1562 bytes
GadEdit/GadEdit.DOC.ITA 39378 bytes
GadEdit/GadEdit.DOC.ENG 38965 bytes
GadEdit/libs13/ReqTools.library 39456 bytes
GadEdit/libs20/ReqTools.library 34920 bytes
GadEdit/Catalogs/Italiano/gadedit.catalog 2752 bytes
GadEdit/Catalogs/Deutsch/gadedit.catalog 2798 bytes
GadEdit/Catalogs/Français/gadedit.catalog 2676 bytes
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
GadEdit/Catalogs/CatSource.LHA 6375 bytes
The distribution of the single Files is forbidden: only the
complete package can be distributed through BBS, Fish Disks,
The Files libs13/ReqTools and libs20/ReqTools are Copyright
(C) Nico François. All the other Files are Copyright (C)
Stefano Crimì.
If you have any comments about this program, regarding
problems, ideas of improvements etc., feel free to send me a
note to this address:
Stefano Crimì
Via Don Minzoni 28
If you don't like snail mail, you can send me e-mail via
FidoNet using any of these addresses:
Stefano Crimì 2:332/505.12@Fidonet.org
There are some persons to whom I am very obliged for the
help they offered to me; it is only thanks to them that I have
been able to finish this program. They are:
Nico François - For the mythical ReqTools.library.
Marco Stagno, Nicola Soggia and Sebastiano Vigna - For the
explanations about the structure of the IFF-ILBM Files.
Peter Simons - For his useful bug report.
Massimiliano Augello, Mario Murè and all the points of
Speed Of Life and Suburbia - For their indispensable moral
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
Gadget's Editor 2.00 (20-Sep-92)
First release.
Gadget's Editor 2.10 (26-Sep-92)
Fixed two bugs:
- the program now works also without the Locale.library.
- the function Load now works correctly (in the precedent
versions the structures IntuiText were not recognized
Gadget's Editor 2.20 (09-Oct-92)
Fixed a small bug:
- now it is possible to change the name of the Gadget when
you edit it.
Now the screen opened by the program has the same
dimensions of the Workbench screen.
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Gadget's Editor V2.20 User Manual Gadget's Editor V2.20
Legal Stuff................................................ 1
DISCLAIMER................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION............................................... 2
THE PROGRAM................................................ 2
THE MENUS.................................................. 3
THE GADGET MENU........................................ 3
THE CODE MENU.......................................... 4
THE FUNCTION LOAD.................................. 4
THE FUNCTION SAVE.................................. 4
THE GENERAL MENU....................................... 5
CREATING A NEW GADGET...................................... 5
POSITION AND DIMENSIONS................................ 6
FLAGS.................................................. 6
ACTIVATION............................................. 7
TYPE................................................... 8
THE LAST PART.......................................... 8
GadgetRender....................................... 8
GadgetRender: the Borders...................... 8
GadgetRender: the Images....................... 9
SelectRender....................................... 10
GadgetText......................................... 10
SpecialInfo........................................ 10
REGISTRATION............................................... 11
DISTRIBUTION............................................... 11
AUTHOR CONTACT............................................. 12
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................................ 12
PROGRAM HISTORY............................................ 13
GENERAL INDEX.............................................. 14
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